Friday, November 29, 2019

Societys Reliance on Technology free essay sample

Earliest technology b. Periods of important technological development c. What does the future hold? 2. Advocates of technology a. Steve Jobs b. Bill Gates useful Technology 3. a. Internet b. Organ transplant c. Mobile phones 4. Outdated Technology a. Video tape b. Analog phones c. TV antenna 5. Examples of Technological Reliance a. Social media b. Medicine c. Transportation systems d. Computers 6. What if technology disappeared? a. Immediate impact b. Long-term solutions Our group has chosen to research the topic Societys Reliance on Technology. Our group members are Matthew Miller, Isaac Scott and Kenny Scott. Since our topic Is Societys Reliance on Technology, it is important to look at the development of technology over history. Technology had to start somewhere, and It will continue to evolve and advance, so these will be important sub-topics to look into. Not only did technology have Its origins, there were Individuals who advocated and supported Its development. Two key figures in the technological frontier were Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. We will write a custom essay sample on Societys Reliance on Technology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We will take a look at some of the stances they took in pushing technology forward. Isaac Scott will be covering these two sections. In handling the aspect of reliance, there are two facets of technology that must be analyzed: useful technology that Is essential to our everyday lives and outdated technology which had Its purpose at one point in time but is no longer useful. Matthew Miller will be exploring these two facets of technology. Once we have explored those two sub-topics, it is now necessary to explore the reliance part of our overall topic. Where do we as a society place the most emphasis on technology? Is it possible to survive without these tOf6 technology disappeared? Could we survive as a society? What would we need to do to establish a successful future without technology? Kenny Scott will explore these important issues. In order to evaluate societys reliance on technology, we must first look back to where technology came from. Once we determine where it came from, we can track its evolution over the last several centuries. The earliest record of invented technology is dated around 2400 B. C. It was around this century that the abacus was first introduced in ancient Babylonia. The abacus was one of the first calculators introduced to man. Several centuries later, in 300 B. C. , Pingala invented the binary number system . Just before the turn of the millennium in 87 B. C. , the first device to track galactic movements is invented and named the Antikythera Mechanism. As the world moved out of the B. C. era, the world of technology would begin to advance at a much more rapid pace. Liang Ling-Can invented the first truly mechanical clock in 724. One of the most significant inventions of all time, the movable printing press, was introduced in China sometime in the early 1000s. In order to counter the biological effect of deteriorating eyesight, the earliest eyeglasses ere introduced in the late 1200s. Johann Gutenberg would improve upon the Chinese movable printing press model with a new version that included the ability to organize the type alphabetically. One of the greatest inventors in our history, Leonardo Da Vinci, would become notable around the 1500s for his many technological revelations. Galileo would also become quite famous for many of his inventions, including the pendulum, the thermometer and the microscope. Other inventions continued to make their appearance during the Renaissance era, such as he telescope and adding machines, but the next serious step in the evolution of technology took place around the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution saw the transition from rural, farm life to urban, factory settings. The steam engine was introduced around the eighteenth century. This invention would revolutionize the industrial setting as well as transportation across land and water. Benjamin Franklin made significant contributions with his use of the lightning rod and the stove. Steam power began to make a more immediate impact in factories and mills towards the late 1700s. Another significant invention to come out of the Industrial Revolution was the cotton gin. The field of medicine saw breakthroughs when vaccinations were introduced in 1798 and nitrous oxide a year later. Transportation took a leap forward with the inventions of the steamboat and the locomotive, and later the steam locomotive. Computers are an everyday necessity in our lives now, but they had to start out somewhere. One of the first computers introduced was in 1822 by Charles Babbage.

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